
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

IPhone Photo Apps!

I had Marisa Haedike as teacher at the Squam Art Workshops (there is a session in Sept people), and she shared her favorite phone photo apps with me. So, while Sue and I were relaxing on our trip in Seattle I was crazily spending 2 bucks here and 99 cents there for the said apps. What I ended up getting was Shake It Photo, Camera Bag and Hipstamatic. I found the latter two to be more fun than the Shake It Photo which "develops" your picture as you shake your phone. The Pics below were taken with Hipstamatic. Thanks Marisa!

Camera Bag allows you to apply a filter to an existing photo and the Hipstamatic takes a photo through the "lens and film" of your choice. It is very entertaining and I found myself taking pics everywhere. Check it out if you like to play with photos and your phone!

Off to harvest garlic, check the bees and pick blueberries!

Monday, July 26, 2010

All is Well!!

This is just a quick note to those of you that are panicked about my "new" life. I am happy to assure you that Sue is here...alive and well and we are doing the things we've been doing for the last 18 years...digging in the dirt, working on know the usual. The big change for me is the closing down of Artgirlz and the endless hours of work that went with it!!

Beautiful day here in RI! Cooler for a bit!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Now What????

Greetings from Steamy Breezy Rhode Island and Welcome to the #1 posting on my new window to the world! I have been hanging out in our cool (as in temperature) basement, (former secret location of Artgirlz World Headquarters) organizing every little bit of arty crafty stuff that has been in my life for years!! The felt, fabric, beads, threads, papers are all stacked and packed by color... I must say that I am very grateful to have a drooly dreamy studio space in which to work in the said basement. To take advantage of the space, I will be putting some fall classes together. Will post them as soon as I get them organized. And, I am hoping to actually do some of my own work down there and get back to mixing up materials.

 Linda Willis and I have been taking a wet felting class at RISD. We have both been layering and manipulating roving making practice shapes, mixing materials because we can't help it.

 I have spent many hours this spring and summer working in the garden. We have flowers and vegetables, chickens, rabbits and bees. All seem to be doing well so far. We have a month old chick that seems to be adjusting to the big girlz very well...sleeping on a roost and cruising around with the group. Other than one cranky neighbor that doesn't like our chickens exploring her yard, all is well here on the farm!!