
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Wonderful Weekend!!

We had such a great time with the women that were able to make it to Little Rhody this weekend. Linda and I had been cooking and freezing goodies. By Friday morning the studio was organized and ready to rock! The table was set, name tags printed, Valentines around, goodie bags put together, beverages in place, gelatin slabs and paints waiting patiently.

Friday afternoon we played with said gelatin and made lots of fabric and paper to be used at a further date. 

Gelatin, Paint, Fabric

Stephanie and Loretta

Sandi and Bev
Lots of laughs, dinner, stories, and the troops went off the the Surfside for sleep and a bit of trouble with the hot water!  Back in the morning for breakfast and sewing!!

Judith and Sue discussing Bees!

 Linda kicks off Saturday Morning with her new Quilt!

Judith Creating!
Sandi looking Fresh and ready to go!!

 Stephanie Stitching Away!!

Betti Concentrating...

Kathy and her Fabulous Bag!!!!!!
We continued to eat good food, snacks, found gifts on our plates at every meal, had a little birthday celebration for Loretta, saved threads for the birds, made bags and wall hangings, shared dish washing, oohhed and aahhhed at each others work and it was a long and raucous goodbye. Not before we set a date for summer.

Group Made Souvenirs!

Thanks for everything girlz! Linda and I are working on the summer gathering already and will put the information out into the world as soon as we get it together!! 
Off to Florida next week to see Midge and Al. We should be able to do some good work!! Thinking about silk screening and sunshine...see you soon girlz!