
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dec Has Flown By!!

If I sneak in a quick blog post, I will have managed to say something this fine month of December! Loved that it was soo warm here in the Northeast!!!

The Studio Sale was great with visits from friends and new faces, sharing holiday goodies with the locals! With that big event over, Sue and I headed for Florida to visit the Stilwell sisters...all four together for the first time in eight years!! Took lots of presents to pass around!

Midge and Al have been working on their Florida gardens, shifting the plantings to local shrubs and flowers. It was remarkable to see the number of butterflies that danced around their front yard enjoying the plantings. It was like a little paradise with the butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalis doing their respective jobs. We had been watching the chrysalis pictured below, hanging onto a twig outside of the front door...and voila!! there is miss monarch!
It was great to see everyone and I helped Midge and Allison with a few jobs as they prepare for their March show at the Jeanine Taylor Folk Art Gallery. Opening March 17th if you are in the Orlando area!!
Also made a pile of screens that I am happy to say are all taped and ready to use!

Back in Little Rhody Sue was dealing with a chicken slaughter....
something got one of our new girlz, and the following morning the five older girlz were dead. The night I got home from Florida a possum got the second bunny. Thank goodness things have calmed down and the girlz are out eating bugs.

 Helped our buddy Rick move into his new house.

The holidays have come and gone in a rather relaxing manner for us!
Visited with friends.
Chowed with the family. Did I take one picture? No.....

Working in the studio...getting samples together for our Jan workshop.
Happy New Year to all and hope that folks can find serenity from day to day!