Here are a few more images of the construction process for the doll that is in
the current In Stitches Vol 6! The name of the piece is "Is the War Over Yet?" and it is built on a wooden yarn spool.
Love carving stamps!
Don't forget that your image will be particular attention to words!!
The stuffed head pillow offers endless opportunities for embellishment!
Spool with skirt and batting wrapped around top.
Checking placement for arms. Dowel wrapped with batting.

Arm base covered with fabric and secured to body with wrapped yarn and hot glue.
Arm options included an old baby doll arm, cotton tassel, a small wire whisk and a carved wooden hand on a stick.
Here she is with "arms" attached and fabric draped for shirt.
Head is sitting on a key at her neck to check placement.
Details of skirt embellishments that include paper, felt, beads, plastic army truck, charms, and found jewelry...
Have a good day and make great stuff!