
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kerr Grabowski Rocks!


Well, way back at the end of March in the faraway kingdom of Indian Rocks Beach, in the Tampa Florida region of the world, Linda Willis, my Sis Allison and Midge Baudouin gathered with a roomful of other creative types with super teacher Kerr Grabowski to learn Deconstructed Screen Printing! Kerr is the blondie below with red apron.

Check out her website for images of her amazing work, instructional cd's available for purchase and her list of teaching adventures. If you are interested in surface design you will be thrilled beyond belief!!

Linda on the left , Al in the green and Midge in black and white...


Screening away...i don't know who...maybe Midge...

 One of my screens ready to go...this was water soluble crayons on the screen...

Sister student pulling a screen...

Checking out the results! The results were always no fail!!!

Have been working on this piece that was printed in Kerr's class.
She has been machine and hand embroidered with some additional screening.

Also working on healing a sprained back. Getting ready to head back to work next week and driving to New Hampshire for Squam and a couple of photography classes and art in the woods!