
Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Fun with Needles!

Well as usual, I am a couple of months behind my blog self. Had a wonderful time in New Hampshire with all of the springtime Squamettes! New and old friends, lots of laughs good food, beautiful landscape and new skills!!! What's better than that?

 These girlz are crazy knitters...all the time everywhere!! I was studying my camera!

Embellishing Fun in Little Rhody!
Steph's Handiwork.

We had a great weekend at the end of July with seven eager students and five enthusiastic "staff" members: Linda Willis, my sis Allison Stilwell, her sidekick for life, Midge Baudouin, and my girl Sue. The focus was on embellishment techniques and after Midge shared her stitch style with the group, they were off and running. It was a powerhouse of skills and energy. Very exciting to watch the work develop!

Midge sharing her approach!

Nancy and Midge...
 Sandi, Maddie, and Betti paying attention.

Stitching By the Pond.

 Miss Linda...stitcher extraordinaire!

 Loretta and Elizabeth

 Steph and Maddie working.

 Sandi focused and flying on her machine!

 Nancy working on paper/fabric leaves.

Everyone worked hard, had good food, walked around the garden, went shopping, shared stories and goodies. It is gratifying to offer a safe and relaxing space for hard working women to set up shop and settle into a creative mode for a couple of dayz. Thanks to all!!

***** Next gathering...Save the Date *****
Jan 25. 26. 27 - 2013
Baubles and Books