
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jan Gathering 25th - 27th!

Alright, the Winter Extravaganza is in place for the end of Jan. Linda Willis and I will be guiding the lucky attendees through tasks combining paper, fabric and wire. Do what we suggest, do what ever you want!!! No Prob!
As usual, there will be fab food, lessons learned, new friends, and a safe creative space!! Help fend off that pesky winter chill by giving yourself the gift of warm and inspiring weekend!
For a few more details you can download:

If you have any questions about what we will be doing...payment plan...etc please let me know!
And spread the word to others that might be interested!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Fun with Needles!

Well as usual, I am a couple of months behind my blog self. Had a wonderful time in New Hampshire with all of the springtime Squamettes! New and old friends, lots of laughs good food, beautiful landscape and new skills!!! What's better than that?

 These girlz are crazy knitters...all the time everywhere!! I was studying my camera!

Embellishing Fun in Little Rhody!
Steph's Handiwork.

We had a great weekend at the end of July with seven eager students and five enthusiastic "staff" members: Linda Willis, my sis Allison Stilwell, her sidekick for life, Midge Baudouin, and my girl Sue. The focus was on embellishment techniques and after Midge shared her stitch style with the group, they were off and running. It was a powerhouse of skills and energy. Very exciting to watch the work develop!

Midge sharing her approach!

Nancy and Midge...
 Sandi, Maddie, and Betti paying attention.

Stitching By the Pond.

 Miss Linda...stitcher extraordinaire!

 Loretta and Elizabeth

 Steph and Maddie working.

 Sandi focused and flying on her machine!

 Nancy working on paper/fabric leaves.

Everyone worked hard, had good food, walked around the garden, went shopping, shared stories and goodies. It is gratifying to offer a safe and relaxing space for hard working women to set up shop and settle into a creative mode for a couple of dayz. Thanks to all!!

***** Next gathering...Save the Date *****
Jan 25. 26. 27 - 2013
Baubles and Books

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kerr Grabowski Rocks!


Well, way back at the end of March in the faraway kingdom of Indian Rocks Beach, in the Tampa Florida region of the world, Linda Willis, my Sis Allison and Midge Baudouin gathered with a roomful of other creative types with super teacher Kerr Grabowski to learn Deconstructed Screen Printing! Kerr is the blondie below with red apron.

Check out her website for images of her amazing work, instructional cd's available for purchase and her list of teaching adventures. If you are interested in surface design you will be thrilled beyond belief!!

Linda on the left , Al in the green and Midge in black and white...


Screening away...i don't know who...maybe Midge...

 One of my screens ready to go...this was water soluble crayons on the screen...

Sister student pulling a screen...

Checking out the results! The results were always no fail!!!

Have been working on this piece that was printed in Kerr's class.
She has been machine and hand embroidered with some additional screening.

Also working on healing a sprained back. Getting ready to head back to work next week and driving to New Hampshire for Squam and a couple of photography classes and art in the woods!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Beaded Bracelets!

 Spring is out and about in New England! Cleaning bee equipment, painting trim on the house, cleaning up garden beds, planting onions, peas, leeks, lettuce. Enjoying fresh eggs with our asparagus!

 I can't seem to get this blog thing together more than once a month but I wanted to share some photos of beaded bracelets.

 I got to Florida in March and my sis had made herself a bracelet so of course I had to make one too.
Chan Luu seems to be the brains behind these little numbers! They are fun and easy to make just taking some patience!

So we had our lesson and then I found out that Baker Bead  in Cocoa Beach was just a quick walk around the corner will all necessary parts...and I must say it is an amazing bead store. As friends and family started showing up for the girlz big show I gave bracelet lessons and took numerous field trips to the bead store.  The troops were all so happy to have projects!

Cousin Tracy working on her treasure!


Still whipping them up!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great Time in Florida!

Well, I am heading back to Rhode Island today after spending five weeks or so here on the Florida Space Coast! The last 10 days have been action packed!

 Finally March 17th and the opening of the SHOW!!! Midge, Jeanine Taylor - owner of the gallery, Allison and Mary the lovely hard working gallery person! The girlz opening was glorious...filled with friends, family and strangers all enjoying the work, the girlz and each other.

 Let the games begin!

Christy and Cathy enjoying poolside!
Sara Beth
 Sue enjoying poolside with her book!

Lots of good art work sold, food consumed, bracelets finished, walks, reading, swimming...

Beth, Allison, Tracy and Heather Stilwell...sistas
Midge and daughter Beth...Al and daughter Sara

The whole crew in for the show! 

As the events connected to the opening started to wind down, we started gearing up for a class with Kerr Grabowski that took place in Indian Rocks Beach, Fl...St. Pete's area. Midge, Al, Linda Willis and I gathered print boards, pencils, rags, fabric, rubber gloves etc for a deconstructed print making experience and we were all thrilled to the gills. I could have stayed for dayz! Kerr is a fabulous teacher and the techniques are endlessly exciting and unpredictable! Everyone was thrilled! Kerr is now in Ft. Meyers doing it all over with another lucky bunch! More about that later!

Back to cooler weather, my girl!!, the chickens, the gardens and piles of seeds, my yoga and of all things, a job! Thanks girlz for all of the goodies, hair cut, purple toes, food, rides, a bed, a monster tv, good music, good company, inspiration. Looking forward to fun in the sun in little rhody this summer!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Midge and Al's Big Show!!

I have been lucky to be in Florida for the last 2 or 3 weeks helping my sister Allison and her girlfriend Midge get ready for their first gallery show together.  The Jeanine Taylor Folk Art Gallery in Sanford, Fl is a very cool place specializing in work from the south. 
It should be a great week, with friends and family flying in from all over the place. There is lots of good food in the freezer just waiting to be chowed down. The first airport pic up is this evening. 
The work is amazing and if you are in the Orlando area check it out. Opening March 17th all day!

 Midge and Allison by the river...

Midge giving me the eyeball while Stitching.

Midges "Out of the Closet" Series made from cigar boxes.
Painted, stamped, stitched.

Allison working on her "found" lamp girl.

Base of one of the displays.
Left over paint on "found" shutter.

I made them a book for folks to sign at the gallery with a cover made from cardboard that has
been used by all of us in arty ways over many years.

Blue Birds on the top of one of Al's Paper Mache Heads...
May the Blue Bird of Happiness Fly their way!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

in Stitches Blog Tour!!!

 Hey Stitchers! I feel so lucky to have had my figure "Is the War Over Yet?" in Vol 6 - in Stitches!! I am very grateful. The work of the other artists is amazing!

 Quilting Arts is giving away the sample tools for free motion stitching that were used in the article "A Show of Hands". Just leave me a message after you have studied these photos and I get to pick the person that will win the Grip and Stitch Quilting Discs.

So, speaking of free motion stitching, I have been at it this year, and combining it with gelatin printed cotton and hand embroidery to make dolls and pillows.
I am lucky enough to have a Bernina with a BSR...Bernina Stitch Regulator that just helps the free motion task right along. Below are examples in various stages, showing the front and back of the free motion stitching, mostly being made into pillows.

My work wall with work in progress.

I heart Farming! 

You know when you are always going to start whatever tomorrow????

This girl is just distressed...

Ohnoo detail...

 Are the wars over yet? The Pillow...

 Quiet Mind

Where Are the Chips?

 Heather's Pillow - Inside and Out 

 Did I Weed the Garden??? - Inside and Out

Enough...get stitchin'...if you haven't tried free motion stitching, just put those feed dogs down and get to work!!!!
Check out the other talented women that have work in this issue!

AND ••••••• leave some love notes at the end of this post and you might win the Grip and Stitch Pads!!!