
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Paris, Oct 2012 - Finally

Friends were just asking me where we stayed in Paris in October, so I thought that it was about time to share some pics of our trip. Sue and I decided to head to Paris for our 20th anniversary and were joined my sister Allison and her girl Midge. We shared a 5th floor walk up apt at 55 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île that offered ever changing rooftop/sky views and shelter from the rain. It was a particular relief when the four of us made it up and through the apartment doorway!

Notre Dame and all of its' glory was in our front yard. We barely stepped inside of the church but walked by at least once a day.

 Al in our doorway!

 Rue Saint-Louis en l'Île

  Eating and stitching around the world!

 It was quite rainy the whole time we were there. Here is Al trying to stay dry.
We tramped all over town in the cool rain, and one of my personal goals was to stay upright and avoid if possible, a crash and burn on the slippery cobblestone sidewalks.
Our longest around town journey took us about 8 miles.
Over the week we managed to get to:
Musée d'Orsay 
Quai Branly (A+++)
Musee de Cluny
 Eiffle Tower
Jardin de Plantes
Tuileries (has an amazing small garden bookstore)
 the Marais
the Latin Quarter
 Sue, Allison and Midge with a crepe!  

We had delicious fruits veggies from various markets including the very rainy Bastille.

Breads, pastries, coffee, chocolate and cheeses from everywhere!

David D Downie Tour 

Sue and I planned a surprise tour with writer/historian David Downie. I had found his book "Paris, Paris" just before my first trip to Paris in 2011. David is an American living in Paris and has written essays about people and places, past and present. It is a most entertaining and educational read. Highly recommended if you have been or are going to Paris!
We learned so much about people, politics, buildings, very old protective walls, narrow roads, churches, coffee, cafes, gardens and squares...just to name a few subjects. One could wander the streets for days with David and only begin to tap his wealth of knowledge!

We also had a great lunch and a couple of first rate cups of coffee with a great speaker of the language! Thanks David for a really great day!

His Newest book will be available April 15, 2013!

So we had a great week, food for the soul at every turn. Window shopping was so inspiring! Beautiful clothing, shoes, jewelry, art work, architecture, the people, the food, the river, the rain, the sun, the bridges, graffiti...

It was a great trip, with much left to explore.
And now it is just days away from our 21st Anniversary and I want to thank Sue for another great year of living the dream!! xxxx

Monday, February 11, 2013

Books and Baubles Weekend!!!

Well, it's been two weeks, a flight to Florida and a monster storm that left my girl alone without power since our busy, busy creative weekend!
Everyone did beautiful work with paper, fabric, beads, metal, dried flowers and bees wax, grommets, threads and buttons...
We chowed pot luck style all weekend, had a fabric store field trip, shared gifts, stories, materials and ideas. Once again it was a pleasure to host such an explosive bundle of energy. Slip out directions, ideas and a packet of supplies and off they went into colorful worlds of stitching, folding and gluing. Breaks for food and back at it!!

Annie having way too much fun!!!

We led 13 lovelies through the steps for
  • painting paper
  •  ironing wax bags with dried flowers and bees wax
  • stitching folded fabric paper scraps of this and that
  • wrapping wire, beads, buttons
  • punching holes and squishing grommets
  • putting them together to create wonderful textural books!

 Kathy Nessi in model mode! 


 Followed by Loretta model mode!

Linda's beautiful dried flowers...

 Ellen concentrating!



Linda and Thea playing with wax and the iron...danger...


Maddie, Linda and Loretta...

 Maddie and Elizabeth working hard!

 Nancy folding paper above and stitching below...



Steph and Sandi at it!


 Thea's Pile! Thanks for shopping Thea!

 Linda's Snow Peeps were for sale...Love them...

Betti packing it up!

Thanks again everyone! The food was great, appreciate all of the efforts that went into making it a great weekend! Looking forward to summer!

June 21-23
Solstice Fabulous Fabrics!!!