
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pot Holders!

Okay, in the spirit of trying to come up with products that folks want to buy, I whipped up some potholders this week and last week. Those of you that make things and try to price them out know the insanity of trying to figure out pricing that serves you as a worker in the world as we know it! Will be taking them over to the South County Artisans Market at The Amazing Umbrella Factory.

Trying to figure out the best way to finish off the edges...timely and lovely...

 Don't you just want to start cooking?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Whose got the Button?

Greetings from Little Rhody! It is still a bit chilly here but all is well!
I just wanted to share a bit of news!

 My embroidered buttons got a couple of pages in the latest online mag  In Stitches, Volume 10! Just posting a few more pics for your viewing pleasure!! The buttons are great little projects...quick, portable and givable!! 

In Stitches Volume 10 has very strong, amazing work gathered together in one place so check it out!!

Have a great day and make something wonderful!