
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mixed Media Mania!

Linda and I want to thank our January crew for making the effort to join us last week!
I believe a good time was had by all!
We had 7 lovely creatives here for a weekend making cloth and mixed media figures,
sharing stories, eating good snacks, making new friends.

Ready to Rock!
I loved watching everyone jump out of their comfort zones and fly into new territory!

Angela studying the materials!

Angela, Linda and Kecia moving things along!

 Kecia on # 3 or #4...

  Kim patiently stitching the cape for the young babe below!

Kim's Mixed Piece!

 Kim and Heather

Heather and her beautiful Stitching!

 Linda and Maddie....

 Maddie working on her Arms...

 Nancy and her Egg Crate girl!

Nancy working on a fab Button Hairdo!

Steph working on her First Piece...

Moving along with confidence and grace!!

Thanks for all of your good work and willingness to try new things!!!