The poppies were perfect for the Solstice Print Workshop!!!
Eileen, Betti and Kecia...
And the workshop went very well! The weather was beautiful. June's temperatures are much kinder than those of July! The attendees were very well behaved as usual and did beautiful work! We painted, and printed, stitched, shared food, went shopping, watched the baby chicks, sat by the pond and chatted.
Linda and Elizabeth Duke taking a break by the pond.
Elizabeth a bit later with stencils...
Kecia in Action
Linda -Art in Action
Eileen's Fab Skirt developing!
Kathi's Pocket Moving along! With goodies from Nancy Rafi! Thanks For the visit Nancy!!
Betti's Apron In Progress!
Betti and the Mistress of Threads!

Who's Painty hands are we seeing?
Sunday found us all roaming the Charlestown Flea Market that is conveniently located right down the street. I think everyone found some treasure or another. I know that there were many baby dolls that found new homes that morning. The two below were lucky enough to find there way to my couch!
It was back to work after the trip to the Flea to finish up projects!
It is always gratifying to see women learning new skills, conquering fears, trying new things and finding the joy in crossing into new creative territories! This weekend brought about a number of those moments!
Many thanks to the June '13 crew!
It was a very productive and relaxing weekend, with everyone doing great work!
Thanks to all of you!
Looking forward to the next round in January 2014.
Speaking of 2014, miracle of miracles, Linda Willis and I were so organized that we planned out workshops for next year and had postcards made!
The information for next years series is in the
Workshop Tab of this lovely site.